We try to stay in touch with our families with a wide range of regular online, paper and on-site communications. 

Weekly emails – what’s on

Each Monday we send out a short summary of what’s on for that week. This is sent out through Schoolzine and is also on our Facebook.

Flat Chat newsletter

Each fortnight on a Wednesday, we send out our school Flat Chat, a newsletter that includes events, important dates, children’s work and other items of general interest. You will receive an email alert to read the Flat Chat by email, or via our school app. It is important that you read Flat Chat to keep up-to-date with what is happening at school. Go to past issues of Flat Chat.

Winters Flat Schoolzine app

Get the latest school news and event updates via our school app, straight to your phone. The app is free and available for both apple and android devices.

Find out how to download the Schoolzine app.

Please note that you will need to log into your Play Store or iTunes account to access the app, and may be prompted for a password to do so.


XUNO is an initiative that enables families to log in and have immediate access to student information. Please see the XUNO page on our website for further information. 

Facebook and Instagram

Our Winter's Flat Facebook and Instagram pages are where we advertise all the happenings of the school (@WintersFlatPrimarySchoolCastlemaine)

Calendar of events

The Events Calendar on the school website lists details of excursions and events at our school.  Permissions forms and any associated costs can also be found for each event.

Paper notes sent home

From time to time additional paper notes are sent home with the youngest child, or with all children who are involved in a particular activity or event.


At drop off and pick up times you will notice a chalkboard outside the office, which we use to share urgent, important or daily messages.

Class reps

Each class has a class representative, who acts as a conduit between teacher and families. We will ask your permission to share your contact details with your class rep.

Parent-teacher interviews, reports and student-led conferences.

Our parent-teacher interviews are held in Term 1. This can be booked through XUNO. Written reports are sent home at the end of term 2 and term 4. Student-led conferences are held in Term 3. Each term your child will bring home their reporting journal to share their progress with you. 

Media and communications permission

We need the permission of parents/caregivers to use images of your child in communications. Download the Media Communications permissions pdf.