School councils play a key role in all Victorian Government schools. The School Council gives a voice to the parent and carer community, and supports the Principal to provide the best possible educational and wellbeing outcomes for students.

School Council, in consultation with the Principal and Department of Education and Training, has a broad range of responsibilities including:

  • Establishing the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community
  • Participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  • Developing, reviewing and updating school policies
  • Developing, reviewing and monitoring the Student Engagement Policy and the School Dress Code
  • Raising funds for school-related purposes
  • Approving the annual budget and monitoring expenditure
  • Maintaining the school’s grounds and facilities
  • Entering into contracts (e.g. cleaning, construction work)
  • Reporting annually to the school community and to DET
  • Generally stimulating interest in the school in the wider community

The Principal, in consultation with the staff, determines the day-to-day organisation.

Elections for School Council are held each March and you can find out more about these important roles here.

The members of the 2024 School Council are:


Jill Prior (Parent)

Vice President:

Bek Morecroft (Parent)


Bryn Davies (Parent)


Bronwyn Tracey (Staff Member)


Jill Prior Dean Nendick
Kristen Wood Helen Weir (Staff)
Michelle Creed (Staff) Bek Morecroft
Helen Kaptein Bryn Davies
Helen Vickers Alison Whitten
Suzanne Kinnersly (Principal) Bronwyn Tracey (Staff)


Subcommittees are advisory bodies to the School Council and assist with work that needs to be done.

FINANCE- oversight of school’s financial operations.

WELLBEING- focuses on the wellbeing of our students, staff and families. Health and wellbeing initiatives, events and forums.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT- connecting within and beyond our school community through social media, events and parent forums.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS- prioritizing facilities of the school both inside and out, developing master planning, capital works, organising working bees.

FUNDRAISING- organising events and activities to generate funds for the school and at this stage we’re still prioritising cooling.

SUSTAINABILITY- ensuring Winters Flat maintains the Resource Smart 5 star rating and continues to lead sustainable practices within our school and community.


School Council meets every month and welcomes any feedback or questions from the school community.