
Winters Flat Primary School provides programs for all students based on the Learning Areas and Capabilities identified in the Victorian Curriculum. The VCAA provides a comprehensive overview of the Victorian Curriculum and we map our school curriculum against the standards.

In the classroom

Grades of children are formed very carefully, taking into account a variety of factors, both social and educational. Special information from parents, relevant to grade placement, is always appreciated and this should be directed to your child’s class teacher or the Principal at time of enrolment.

The school is divided into two departments, Junior and Senior.  For more detailed information about each department, click on the links below:

Junior Department | Foundation, Grade 1, Grade 2 & Grade 3

Senior Department | Grades 4, 5 & 6

For further information about all aspects of school life, visit this page:


You can find the complete list of staff here.

In addition to classroom experiences, students also have access to specialist teachers for Stephanie Alexendar Kitchen and Garden, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, French, Physical Education and Chess.

Lorax Motto